Make An Appointment

United Family Recovery understands that help is not always readily available, but we are committed to making our admissions process as easy as possible and available for when you need it the most. We have created several options for how to inquire about services or sign up for services.

How To Make An Appointment

Call the office (1-740-237-4981) during regular business hours and speak to our qualified intake staff. The intake staff can address your needs and guide you for making an appointment for services. They may obtain necessary background information including: mental, medical, legal and financial, etc to ensure that our program is a good fit for your needs or refer you to another more suitable agency who can meet your needs.

If services are necessary after business hours call our toll free number 24 seven to speak to a qualified representative who can assist you, 1-833-UFR-HOPE (833-8374673).

Don’t want to wait, complete a profile account directly from our portal located at the top of our website. This portal is protected and secured by our Electronic Health Records system Best Notes and is compliant with our privacy policy. By setting up an account through the portal you can enter your information and start supplying a significant portion of data that is collected during the assessment to expedite needed services. This tool is useful for referral sources who are making the appointment for you. You can fill out as much or as little of the assessment data as needed. This system will send your information directly to our Program Director for review and you will receive a response immediately after submission.